Le “Fournil d’Heurteloup” is a bakery offering bread baked over a wood fire in the farm’s ovens. All breads can be stored very well, about 1 week, in a cloth and at a moderate temperature
Here is a non-exhaustive list of breads available for sale at the Farm Shop.
Breads made with half wholemeal flour (T110) of organic wheat grown on the farm’s land and those of the neighbour and ground with a stone millstone at Moulin d’Auffreville (3 kilometres from the farm), yeast from their wheat, water and Guérande salt. You could find the following type of bread: Miche, michette, moulded bread, pumpernickel, wholemeal bread, wholemeal honey nut bread, spelt bread, rye bread, brioche bread, candied lemon brioche bread, orange essential oil, etc… the list is long and the flavours are exceptional.