“La Ferme Bleue” is an agro-ecological farm located in the heart of Dar Bouazza (southern region of Casablanca). The result of the collaboration between two enthusiast surfers and therefore sensitive to environment, La Ferme Bleue has naturally oriented it actions towards organic production, respectful of nature and healthy for consumers!
But beyond the production of organic vegetables, the Blue Farm also aims to restore agriculture to its place in Dar Bouazza. While real estate development is pushing farmers further each year towards neighbouring municipalities, they wanted to upgrade the rich lands of Dar Bouazza and create a dynamic with the inhabitants by offering them quality products that they can see grow and harvest themselves.
In that sense they have developed the concept of self-harvesting, in order to give everyone the opportunity to come, with family or friends, to harvest organic vegetable basket themselves! For those who do not know the rural world, it is also an opportunity to discover the world of agriculture, to learn a little more about production techniques and, more generally, about the vegetables you put on your plates.
For those who do not have time to harvest their basket, Ferme Bleue also offers a basket of organic vegetables, to order on their website, or facebook page or by phone, and delivered directly to your home.